Syllabus Resources For Faculty
The resources presented on this page are designed to help faculty customize and strengthen their syllabus statements. As a reminder, Texas A&M University, Faculty Senate, and academic leadership established the following to be included in each course syllabus regarding academic integrity:
Faculty may supplement this minimum syllabus requirement with course-specific expectations. In an attempt to assist faculty as they build these suppplemental statements, the Aggie Honor System Office has compiled these resources from faculty peers and colleagues. They have given permission for other faculty to use, modify, and edit these statements for inclusion in their own academic policies.
Submit your Supplemental Syllabus Statement
If you would like to share your personal academic integrity statement for your colleagues to utilize, please submit a copy of it online and the Aggie Honor System Office may host it here. We are happy to update your statements at any point, so feel free to submit revisions using this same form.