File a Violation
The AHSO is the central office responsible for maintaining records for the Texas A&M University Honor System. Academic Integrity is an essential force in the academic life of a University. Students, staff, faculty members, and other community members have an obligation to report cases of academic dishonesty.
Read more below about the community responsibility for upholding integrity at Texas A&M University, then click on the links for reporting academic misconduct based on your campus role. COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITY
As Referenced on the Faculty Affairs Website
"In September 2004, Texas A&M University launched the Aggie Honor System Office (AHSO), which works in collaboration with faculty and students to ensure that Texas A&M continues to uphold high standards for academic honesty. Faculty members are responsible for addressing matters of integrity with their classes and in their syllabi to let students know that integrity is important at A&M. The faculty member will usually have the option of engaging the autonomous process, unless the AHSO records show previous violations on the part of the student. In the case of the latter, the case will automatically be forwarded to the Honor Council for adjudication."Academic integrity is an essential force in the academic life of a university. It enhances the quality of education and celebrates the genuine achievements of others. It is, without reservation, a responsibility of all members of the Texas A&M University Community to actively promote academic integrity. Apathy or acquiescence in the presence of academic misconduct is not a neutral act -- failure to confront and deter it will reinforce, perpetuate, and enlarge the scope of such misconduct.
As such, a primary responsibility assumed by Texas A&M students is to promote the ideals of the Aggie Code of Honor. Various methods of encouraging integrity exist, such as setting an example for new students, education through student organizations, and student-to-student moral suasion. Students have the responsibility to confront their peers engaging in compromising situations, and if unsuccessful, to report the matter to the Aggie Honor System Office. Self-reporting is encouraged and may be considered a mitigating circumstance in the sanctioning phase of a particular case.
Collaboration and sharing information are characteristics of academic communities. These become violations when they involve misconduct or are used in ways that give a student an unfair advantage. Instructors shall make clear to students their expectations about collaboration and information sharing. Students should seek clarification when in doubt. While Texas A&M values and affirms all cultures, it is important to recognize that only one standard of academic integrity will be tolerated; this is the Aggie Code of Honor. MINIMUM SYLLABUS REQUIREMENT
Instructors are expected to take proactive steps to promote academic integrity. All syllabi shall contain a section that states the Aggie Honor Code and refers the student to the Aggie Honor System Rules and Procedures on the web. Omission of the Aggie Code of Honor on a syllabus does not constitute a reason for appeal. This minimum requirement is considered met when an instructor uses the most recent syllabus template from Faculty Affairs.It is further recommended that instructors print the following on assignments and examinations:
"On my honor, as an Aggie, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work."
Signature of Student
Instructors should have an open discussion about academic integrity with students in their courses early in the semester. Instructors and staff share in the responsibility and authority to challenge and make known acts that violate the Aggie Code of Honor.
Additionally, instructors are expected to adhere to the policy pertaining to the reporting and adjudication of violations of the Aggie Code of Honor. Initiating formal procedures is a necessary and obligatory component of this shared responsibility.